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What is a Buying Group?

Group purchasing or group buying is a simple concept that adheres to the mentality of "power in numbers". In essence, groups of buyers come together and leverage their size to gain access to large discounts on products or services.

Buying Group

In Indian Eye Care Market, most of the purchases are individual purchases and very rarely there has been small unorganized group purchases, hence individual practices have never been able to leverage the power of group buying.

While many corporate Eye Care Chains have been able to aggregate purchasing within their own groups, individual Eye Hospitals have not historically had a platform where they could organize themselves for group buying.

Ophthall Buying group will be the first Organized platform for Ophthalmologists to combine and make their purchases.

Ophthall Equipment Purchase consultancy

For Complete Clinic, Hospital, OT Set up- You can outsource your entire purchase to our experts, and we will get the best products at the best prices for you. Contact us for more info.

How will you benefit?

  • Open to all OPD Club members
  • We will form the Buying group for the product you are interested in.
  • We will negotiate on your behalf by combining orders and get the best prices.
  • Membership to Ophthall Buying group for Discount price on your purchase from our Trade Partner.

What are the Next steps?

  • Log on to your OPD Club membership Dashboard and click Bulk Purchase Menu
  • Please make note of your Unique Buying group code. You should mention this code while making your purchases.
  • Indicate the product and quantity you want to procure within the next 30 days.
  • Our Backend will collect all the orders every month and start the negotiations at the end of the month with vendors.
  • We will communicate to the Group the price negotiated and finalize the deal.

Our Testimonial :


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